Mike Anderson's Portfolio
My name is Mike Anderson, I'm a Training Specialist/Analyst. If you would like to know more about my Training Philosophy read below.
My Philosophy
What I’ve learned in my nearly 20 years in the training industry is that people are complicated. They don't like to read, they don't like taking training courses, and avoid asking for help. What's a Training Specialist/Analyst to do? Let’s start off with what not to do: don't just produce an e-learning training course, then make the attendees complete a test, give them a certificate, and think you’ve done enough.
It’s better to meet the learner “where they are,” incorporating approaches they like. What do adult learners like? They like to play games, they like to hear stories, and they like to be validated. I think the training solution with the best outcome is a training campaign, which is little segments of self-guided e-learning courses that each support the other, reinforcing what the learner has previously learned. It starts with an e-learning tutorial (stories), moves to an e-learning training course (gamification), graduates to three-minute video clips expanding on a topic (validation), and finally a job aid to remind the learners of what’s required.
Does that sound expensive? It's not. It’s no more expensive than doing the same thing over and over and not getting the outcomes you want. Again, people are complicated.
My goal is to help people change what they do, not just what they know, and to design experiences,not information.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.