Mike Anderson's Portfolio

The Process
Because training courses are expensive, they should only be created if there are no cheaper options. Action Mapping can help figure out the best solution.
Let's ask some questions about the training before we begin.
Is Training the Solution?
Anna's Story:
"I welcome new employees into our offices and nearly everyone has a hard time getting in the main door. It sometimes takes them several days before they master it, and I think we need to add an e-learning training to the New Hire Orientation to show them how to use the door."
Too often Training Managers take the path of least resistance and create training courses because someone thought it was wise. But Action Mapping suggests we find out what will be gained from the training.
In the story above, a training course could be an option. Or perhaps a better option is to put a placard on the door with instructions, or maybe even to buy a new door. Both are cheaper than creating an expensive training course. Action Mapping helps training experts decide the best course of action and should come prior to content development or a needs assessment.

Action Mapping
After we decide a training is best for the learners, then the ADDIE process begins -- Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. This process starts with the training expert who performs a needs assessment to uncover what the learner needs to know.